In this blog we have talked about a lot about the tools used in a change project, but I think that it is time we talk about the information that drives the project-the statistics. The old adage is that the numbers never lie, but when you work with statistics you know that is a relative statement. The numbers can and do lie, usually it comes down to interpretation. So here are some basic things to remember when looking at the statistics your change project will provide.
- Understand that statistics are the foundations of 6Sigma, when you don’t understand a tool remember that everyone participating in a 6Sigma project will understand the statistics.
- The purpose of a statistic is to give you a numerical value for the information collected and analyzed. In other words when you measure something the statistics tell you why the measurement is important.
- The measurements give you a place to start from, whether that is a place to improve or a place to maintain. (Of course in continuous improvement, there is no place to maintain! Always improve!)
- Statistics serve as a common denominator, like everything else they can be taken to the extreme but they create a common language and equalize knowledge. Everyone can know and understand the same thing based on the numbers. Statistics can eliminate personality flaws, individual perception and provide your team with a singular focus.
- The single most important purpose of statistics is the ability to create a new group of problem solvers. Once the group has a common goal they can then began brainstorming for innovative solutions thanks to the data. So numbers=innovation!
As with all things 6Sigma the difficulty level lies within the practitioner. If you want a bunch of charts and reports that can only be interpreted by the consultant, you can find that. If you want to understand how the numbers can help you, give us a call and we will get you started.